Frequent Questions
Frequent Questions
Who are candidates for hair graft?
Both men and women can be candidates for a hair graft. One of the requirements for you to be a candidate is to be over 25 years old, since from this moment on the fall stabilizes. The most important thing is to have an adequate donor area (occipital area), that is to say that it is abundant and strong.
What technique does ileanovo use for its procedures?
FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, is the procedure where follicles are removed from the back and sides of the scalp and transplanted to areas where hair loss has occurred, thus allows the growth of new hair.
The FUE procedure is less invasive than the more common type of hair transplant (FUT) and does not leave a linear scar.
For these and other benefits, this hair graft procedure has been selected by celebrities and is the one we use in our clinics.
Is the procedure painful?
All of our procedures are performed under local anesthesia. You will be aware while listening to music, interacting with the doctor or simply resting.
Do I need to cut my hair to perform the hair graft?
It is necessary to cut the hair of the occipital area, the procedure can be carried out with the hair of the upper area, making a military style cut. However, for a better result we will always recommend cutting all the hair.
What does the graft consist of?
The capillary graft is carried out with the FUE technique (for its acronym in English) or follicular unit extraction. This is a minimally invasive procedure and is performed under local anesthesia. It consists of extracting hair follicles from the occipital area (back of your head) to implant them in the areas where hair has been lost.
Is hair forever or does it fall out again after a while?
The injected hair does not fall out again and it lasts a lifetime.
Is the price they gave me in the valuation maintained?
The cost of the procedure is frozen with a minimum bonus of $100 USD. With this cost you maintain the price and you can now schedule a date to perform your procedure.